Japan's EC Market Size Announced by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, EC Market Size in 2020 was Flat for the First Time!
On July 30, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry released a report on the domestic EC mail order market in 2020. The size of the B to C-EC market in Japan was 19.3 trillion yen (19.4 trillion yen in the previous year, down 0.43% from the previous year), the first flat since the start of statistics. Although the use of product sales and digital services expanded due to the consumption of nests at home under the influence of the COVID-19, the use of services including travel decreased significantly due to activity restrictions, which were offset. In product sales, overall growth was seen in each category under the influence of the COVID-19. Particularly, the growth rate of household appliances, books, video software, household goods, furniture, etc., and food-related products was high, recording 20% or more. Additionally, attention topics in the EC market are taken up every year. This year, D2C, the establishment of subscription services, and changes in the position and role of physical stores under the spread of COVID-19 infections can be mentioned.
Sources: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 'Reiwa 2nd year industrial economy research consignment business (market research on electronic commerce)'(July 30, 2021)(link available in Japanese only)
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