


【EC業界ニュース】インスタグラム、発売予定商品の話題作り向け新機能「ドロップ」を公開 Weekly Topics! 05/26-06/01

トランスコスモス調査部が厳選するEC業界ニュース。今週の注目トピックはこちら。 ・インスタグラム、発売予定商品の話題作り向け新機能「ドロップ」を公開 ・中国ネット通販大手京東の物流部門、香港証券取引所に上場


South Korean EC major Coupang started a delivery test in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo

On June 3rd, South Korea's representative news agency Yonhap News reported that the country's EC major "Coupang" is test-providing a service using its delivery app in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo. It is the company's first overseas expansion. The service in Japan is still limited. However, the product lineup is various and abundant, and it is possible to order fresh foods, processed foods, daily necessities, and even industrial products, and it will take only 15 to 20 minutes for delivery. According to the company official, "This delivery service was a test operation in some regions, and whether plans to expand the area are not yet clear."


Sweden's major postpaid payment company Klarna launched installment payment services on all EC sites

Sweden's postpaid payment major "Klarna" has announced that it made a fee-free installment payment service available on all e-commerce sites. By using the shopping app provided by the company, it makes it possible to purchase products in installments up to 3 times. In addition, the user can also set the monthly payment limit with the app personally, and is able to control the payment amount as well. In addition, the app also can provide functions such as content creation and offer presentations based on the user's interests, and can send discount notifications for the products registered as their favorites, making the shopping convenient. The company aims to provide users with a personalized shopping experience by providing a shopping app. In addition to Sweden, these functions are provided in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.





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US handmade EC Etsy acquired a used clothing flea market app that is popular among young people

On June 2, "Etsy," which operates an EC site for handmade products in the United States, announced that it has acquired the British flea market app "Depop." Etsy was founded in 2005 in New York, and offers handmade clothing, accessories, miscellaneous goods, and other buying and selling services in the app, and is primarily used by millennial generations to older consumers. On the other hand, Depop was founded in London in 2011 and is used by young people of "Gen Z" as a used clothing flea market app. According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the total transaction amount this time was 1,625 million dollars (about 178 billion yen), which was expected that EC sales will slow down because of the spread of vaccines in the United States, and is to be seen as a measure to attract young people who use EC heavily.


Turkish EC major company applied for listing on US NASDAQ.

On May 28th, Turkish EC major "" submitted a report to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and applied for a new listing on the US NASDAQ. Hepsibrada means "it is possible to find anything necessary here" in Turkish. The company was founded in 1998, and was selected as "Turkey's most popular EC site" for 2 consecutive years from 2011 to 2012. Currently, following "Trendyol" invested by the major Chinese EC "Alibaba Group," and Hepsibrada is ranked 2nd in the EC business. According to a report submitted by Hepsibrada, the company's sales are growing rapidly because of the COVID-19. However, the cost to purchase inventory increased to secure product supply during the lockdown period, and the total profit for the first quarter of 2021 resulted as a loss.

