


Survey of Online Shopping Usage Trends in 10 Asian cities 2021

transcosmos conducted the "Survey of Online Shopping Usage Trends in 10 Asian cities 2021" with the aim of exploring the actual usage of online shopping in Asia and interest in cross-border EC. The survey targets 3,200 online shopping users in 10 Asian cities (320 from each city) including Tokyo, and clarifies the characteristics of the cities and trends common to Asia. This year, which is the fourth year, we researched the two themes of "live commerce" and "changes in actions due to the COVID-19," and here we would like to introduce each of the points to be featured.


「トランスコスモスSDGs委員会」オープン社内報、はじまります! 【前編】



【EC業界ニュース】拼多多、第4四半期および通期決算を発表、利用者数でアリババを抜き中国EC市場首位に! Weekly Topics! 03/17-03/23

トランスコスモス調査部が厳選するEC業界ニュース。今週の注目トピックはこちら。 ・拼多多、第4四半期および通期決算を発表、利用者数でアリババを抜き中国EC市場首位に! ・ファーストリテイリングとメルカリ、高額転売対策で提携


Conventional customer service drives customers away!? Consumers today demand a self-resolving CX of FAQ.

In 2020, the actual change was forced all over the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to overcome this tough era of living with COVID-19, many industries have been forced to take the lead in digital transformation (DX) for anti-infection measures. And now, it seems that this change decides sales outcomes, but is it true? In the first place, DX has been in progress for more than a decade. The reason for this was not "measures against virus infection", but "increasing customer satisfaction" which is a very natural marketing shift. Now, once again, I want you to focus on "customer satisfaction" which is an essential guideline for the service industry. Can you say that conventional customer service, which responds to all inquiries quickly and politely, has really increased "customer satisfaction"? Is the action of the inquiry itself already users' "dissatisfaction" actually? In other words, the point is that the cause of the fire should be resolved before struggling to extinguish the fire. In fact, this is the most important point that decides sales outcomes of current companies.


【EC業界ニュース】クーパン上場で、韓国ネット通販市場の勢力争いが活性化 Weekly Topics! 03/10-03/16

トランスコスモス調査部が厳選するEC業界ニュース。国内外問わずEC市場の動きをお届けします。今週の注目トピックはこちら。 ・アマゾンジャパン、東海地域でネットスーパーサービス拡大へ ・クーパン上場で、韓国ネット通販市場の勢力争いが活性化


Four points that contact centers should work on within the era of living with COVID-19

Due to the spread of COVID-19, many companies are making progress such as staggered commuting and working from home. Changes are also occurring at the contact centers operated by transcosmos. Various measures are being taken, including shortening business hours, introducing chat and email, introducing unmanned support, and considering a shift to working from home. In preparation for the second and third waves, it is important to formulate a "BCP (Business continuity planning)" and operate the contact center for risk distribution in the future, after changing the viewpoint from "area" to "channel".


【EC業界ニュース】アマゾン、ついにレジ無し店舗をアメリカ以外にも展開 Weekly Topics! 03/03-03/09

トランスコスモス調査部が厳選するEC業界ニュース。今週の注目トピックはこちら。 ・アリババ、バングラデシュのフードデリバリーサービスを買収へ ・アマゾン、ついにレジ無し店舗をアメリカ以外にも展開 ・ツイッター、ついに販売機能実装となるか

