Chatbot for SNS. How you can use it.

The number of SNS users is said to haved reached around 4 billion, and messaging apps are indispensable tools for both individuals and businesses. In fact, we have a number of operations worldwide involving "WhatsApp", "Facebook Messenger", "WeChat" for China and "KakaoTalk" for Korea.  Today, we would like to focus on "LINE" that is preferred by more than 60% of SNS users in Japan. We started providing chatbot solutions for SNS in 2017 and demand for this has been rising year by year.  Smart phone is now the main source of information for the users and messaging apps or chat is the preferred method of contact for those who have experienced it.* transcosmos has introduced and runs many chatbot solutions based on its operational experience accumulated over time through various contact-center business to date and IT experience such as tool development and data exchange with partners like LINE.  Following are some of the examples.


【2021年】 トランスコスモスの#デジタル侍 による業界予測



Live commerce in China today. How to use it and Alibaba’s strategy

Live commerce in China has proven to be a tremendous sales driver in recent years. Alibaba came out with a plan in November 2019 to collaborate with international influencers and popular products while Tmall International announced “Tmall GLOBAL walk of fame” or “Wang Zi Project”. In this article, we take a close look at live commerce in China today and Alibaba’s strategy.




